Do you value us?

Take a look at the recent Surf Life Saving Australia report by Deloitte .

Then think about these 3 important questions that can, with your contribution as a new club patrol member, help our village club patrol Seven Mile Beach at the Heads this summer, and as a Nippers’ family grow our numbers to patrol for the future.

I.  What is the value of a volunteer surf  life saving club   to our village?

We are the life savers who are there watching out for you over summer on Seven Mile Beach

We are on standby for any emergency response situations where our surf life saving aquatic safety training, skills and equipment is needed.

 We’ve already trained many of you as life savers and you’ve used those skills on the beach as a volunteer on patrol, but you’ve also used them across your whole life at home, socially or at work.

  2.  Have you completed a Surf Life Saving Bronze Medallion or Surf Rescue Certificate Course in the past 6 years?

We’d like to welcome you back to the club this summer to keep the beach open with fully active patrols on Sundays

It won’t take long to refresh your skills and friendships and start giving back again to our community

3. Do you want your kids and grandkids to still have fun learning about ocean safety and surf sports in our junior nippers on Sundays?

Nippers are the heart and future of every surf life saving club

Nippers learn vital life skills, build resilience and new friendships, and love it when parents help out too with running junior activities and support or doing water safety or on patrol

Joining Surf Life Saving is a great activity for the whole family to do together every year not just for one summer

You’ll be part of our push to rebuild the spirit of the club after the challenges of recent summers through bushfires and covid, something we can’t do by ourselves, but can with you alongside, so why not join or re-join as a club member at

Bronze Medallion Life Saver Training