Do you have kids aged 5 and up who love the water or could benefit from building water confidence? Are you looking for a fun, supportive community to get involved with as a family? For the next three weeks, come along and give Nippers a try before you register. Discover what our surf club is all about, meet new friends, learn valuable skills, and enjoy being active together. There is something for every one of all ages and stages. Whether you are 5 or 105, we’d love to see you[…]
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It’s Get, Set and Go for Heads Nippers!
If there are any weather changes they will be posted here and on Facebook or you can contact Kim on 0422970570. Do your sign on regos online at There’ll also be options for face-to-face rego at our first day at the beach on 27 October 9.30-11.30
Read moreGet set for Summer at the Heads: UPDATE Rego for Patrol and Nippers
REGO OPEN ONLINE NOW FOR ALL MEMBERS -NEW AND RETURNING SLS.COM.AU/JOIN PATROL MEMBERSHIPS Expressions of interest to join as a patrol member to do next Bronze Course /SRC Course starting 27 October can be made anytime to: club registrar If you’re a past patrolling member it would be great to have you back in the team on or off the beach and it’s easy to refresh your skills. We also welcome community supporter to join as associate members and get involved in club life too JUNIOR NIPPERS AND PARENT/CARER[…]
Read moreNotice of AGM 2023/24
We look forward to a good turnout on the day as we’d like to encourage every member to contribute in small ways so together we can make this and future seasons a success. #ourclubisyourclub #slsnswgetinvolved The AGM itself will be short, followed by lunch and a members think tank forum so you have an opportunity to bring fresh ideas for activities, social events, and ways of working across Junior Nippers, Youth Cadets, Seniors and Patrolling and community engagement. Follow links to access Agenda and Nomination Forms AGM AGENDA CLUB SUPPORT[…]
Read moreCelebrating 2023/24
The official Surf Life Saving season wrapped up on Anzac Day weekend with the traditional SLSA lowering of our flags across NSW. The Club held its presentation night and dinner on May4th 2023 with most club members and the families there to celebrate the achievements of the season across all age groups. President Kim Willett led the event as MC with major awards presented by invited guests : Fiona Phillips Member for Gilmore, Gareth Ward Member for Kiama, Matthew Norris Ward 1 Councillor for Mayor of Shoalhaven, major sponsors Heads[…]
Read moreSave the Date Annual Presentation Night Saturday 4 May 2024
We’ll be celebrating everyone’s achievements this season from the youngest junior nippers to our longest serving patrol members and all levels in between Get set to vote for your fellow members for 2023/24 in categories for seniors and cadets for personal and team awards We’ll be sending info pack and invites out shortly so look out for an email via sls member messaging service
Read moreWe’re Recruiting for Bronze Medallion and SRC Course starting 11 Feb 2024
Festive Selfies with Santa at the Heads
Any schedule changes will be posted on the club Facebook page #Shoalhaven Heads Surf Club
Read moreNippers hit the beach on Sunday
If you haven’t already registered your family for NIPPERS online at ,there’s still time to get the kids involved this summer with our club “Come and Try Nippers” Session this Sunday. To participate either pre-complete this form in advance and send to Juniors Team at or you can do this when you arrive for Nippers on Sunday morning
Read moreBronze and SRC Training Courses start this Sunday
First week will be an info and introduction to the course. If you’d like to receive a pre start info pack drop a note to or sms 0421799689
Read moreURGENT UPDATE NIPPERS POOL SESSIONS on 15 & 22 October NOW 12-1pm
Pool session times CHANGED TO 12-1pm for 15 and 22 October as Shoalhaven Council have just informed the club that the Bomaderry Aquatic Centre will not now be opening @ 11am as advertised due to staff rostering across their 2 town pools.
Read moreHelp with Membership Registration
If you are registering for Nippers, or to do the Bronze Medallion or Surf Life Saving Certificate training course as a volunteer life saver, please read guide information first under tab “Joining the Club” NIPPERS FAMILIES New Kids 5-13 joining up for Nippers rego online @ Don”t forget to add your own parent rego aswell as SLSA have “a parent joins too policy” If you have been a surf club member before you are a “renewing member” and need to log into Members using your own log in username[…]
Read moreSeason 2023/24 Flags up and Nippers start
Flags Up and first patrol of summer at Shoalhaven Heads Surf Club is Sunday 24 September 2023 9am-2pm Bronze Medallion and SRC courses for new and returning members start Sunday 22 October, then weekly until assessment in early December Junior Nippers will start in October with compulsory age group pool evaluations across 2 weekend options on 15 or 22nd October at Bomaderry Aquatic Centre outdoor pool. It’s essential for our JAC team to assess what level of swim ability and water confidence your child has before they participate in water[…]
Read moreNotice AGM 2022/23
Notice is hereby given that the 56th Annual General Meeting of Shoalhaven Heads Surf Life Saving Club Inc will be held in the Surf Club hall on Sunday 13th August 2023 at 11am. NOTICE of AGM AGENDA for AGM All enquiries regarding the AGM and for nomination forms please contact us via Nicky Pryde Director of Administration at or call 0421799689 This is an opportunity for each of you to bring your ideas, skills and enthusiasm to assist the club move forward and grow Surf Life Saving at Shoalhaven Heads for[…]
Read morePresentation Night 2022/23 Awards
We had a great presentation night for juniors and seniors and guests. Major club awards presented by Gareth Ward MP for Kiama, Councillor Tonia Gray, representing Mayor & Shoalhaven Council , John Nellestein ,Heads Hotel Fishing Club, major club supporter, & Tom Gablonski ,Life Member. The highest awards of the night went to Karl Poulton & David Schofield who received The National Medal for 15 years of distinguished service in Life Saving& giving leadership , skill and support to our community. The main awards went to Senior Clubman: Eva Cadet[…]
Read more2022/23 Presentation Night
We’re all looking forward to a fun night to celebrate all the season has been for us, with planning well under way thanks to our Club Directors. Our senior cadets are working up a great decor theme so we can all relax and enjoy the night…So get ready to rock up in your 60s beach party movie styling (aka the recent Disney version ) Bar will be open at reduced members rates and dinner buffet is catered by South Coast Butcher’s Pantry and Catering. Please get your tickets by 19[…]
Read moreFlags Down for 2022/23
After rough weather over December and into the new year we finally had great weather right through from end of January which bought calmer seas to the Heads. Shoalhaven Council had to do further remedial works on the dunes and foreshore to remediate storm damage and to improve access for beach visitors and to enable the club to get the Cab,IRB and equipment safely onto the beach. This alleviated a lot of patrol planning concerns and the gentler slope to the access paths was also appreciated by local community beach[…]
Read moreHeads Hotel Fishing Club Monster Raffle Day
We had a fun day out supporting the Heads Hotel Fishoes Monster Raffle Day on Jan 4th. This is the biggest fund raiser event in the village and the Fishing Club as usual put on great all day show, which cumulated in the live Auction and raffle draw. The sun shone, such a brilliant change from the previous 3 years limited by bushfires, covid and rain. Our senior members get involved with selling raffle tickets in the run up to the day- at the beach, surf club markets and in our[…]
Read moreNew Year Restart
The return to sunnier days over the holiday period brought lots of visitors and locals to the Heads. Huge thanks to all our patrolling members who have spread the workload over our regular Sunday patrols and the additional 5 public holidays over Christmas and New Year. This is a big commitment for a small club and we were supported by Australian Life Guard service on Christmas and Boxing Day and then by a trial initiative from SLSNSW where volunteers from other NSW clubs also patrolled with our 4 teams. Thank[…]
Read moreWe’ve hit Heads Beach for Season 2022/23
The first month of patrols are behind us and after a few chilly and damp sessions our 4 teams are looking forward to sunnier days.Beach access for our gear continues to be a difficult process due to ongoing storm erosion to the sand dune. Our board members have met with Shoalhaven Council officers to discuss remediation options for improving access. The current Bronze and SRC course trainees will complete their course learning modules and practical skills training in early December ready to join S’Heads patrols as Active volunteer life savers for[…]
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Planning for 2022/23
The Club AGM for 2021/22 was held on 24 July and a new board of directors elected to lead the club into the 2022/23 season. They represent every single member of the club across patrol life savers, Nippers and parents, and other supporters, so please reach out to them if you can help the club in any way or have ideas that will help the club grow towards our 60th year of service in 2025/26. We will now continue the work of the past board and start planning for the[…]
Read moreClub Presentation Awards
For the first time in 2 seasons the club hall was packed on Saturday night to celebrate the end of Patrols and Nippers. Club Life Members Tom Gablonski, John Pentecost, Greg Woods, Clyde Poulton ,Noel Walton, Wes Davis and Karl Poulton attended .Chief guest and Member for Gilmore, Fiona Phillips, presented the annual patrol and club awards for season 2021/22. Patrol Person Mark Adams Cadet Patrol Person Riley O’Carroll Patrol of the Year Patrol 3 (Captain Dan Wildi) Trainer of the Year Phil Paris-Browne Senior Club All rounder Grahame Morrison Cadet[…]
Read moreCombined Club Awards Presentation Night Saturday 30 April
As we head towards the final month of Patrols and Nippers, ending on Anzac weekend , we are planning a combined senior and juniors presentation night to celebrate everyone’s contribution to the club this year. The evening, on Saturday 30th April, will start with Nippers awards at 5pm and move onto seniors when dinner is served from 6.30. Members Bar will be open from 6pm. Our cadets have set “Grease’ as the theme , so dig out your rock n roll surf and pink lady gear and prepare to rock[…]
Read moreTwilight Nippers and Club BBQ & Sippers this Friday, 17 December
The countdown to Christmas has begun . Nippers are finishing up for the holidays this Friday with a twilight session starting at 5pm followed by a club BBQ and Festive Sippers at the members bar from 6-ish. All club members and families are welcome to pop in for a bit or stay for a while. Its been a huge effort by the club to get the season underway and this is our first chance to get everyone together off the beach and to relax before the holidays begin. It’ll help[…]
Read moreInternational Volunteers Day Big thanks to everyone!!
It was International Volunteers Day on Sunday and Surf Club was busy on Sunday with trainees completing their courses and junior nippers first day on the beach. Huge thanks to every one in the club, our life savers, trainers, nippers team, parent helpers and supporters, all volunteering time and skills to sustain surf life saving at the Heads .If you’re a new family and want to find out more about helping out just ask Kim and the juniors team or if you’re keen to become a patrol member talk to[…]
Read moreFirst Day of Summer and Nippers has Started
It was great to see the new and returning families who came to the first session of Nippers at the pool and brave the chilled La Nina weather for the SLSA swim skill proficiencies. Thanks to patrol cadets Eva, Ilana and Maddie for supporting the kids in the pool.They’ll be helping Kim, JAC (Junior Activity Coordinator ), and parent age managers and assistants, with Nippers every week. Nippers hit the beach for the first time this Sunday ,Dec 5th. Kim, has been sending regular updates to all registered families and[…]
Read moreDo you value us enough to join us?
Take a look at the recent Surf Life Saving Australia report by Deloitte Then think about these 3 important questions that can, with your role as a new club patrol member, help our village club patrol Seven Mile Beach at the Heads this summer, and as a Nippers’ family grow our numbers of kids having fun learning the skills to become our future life savers. I. What is the value of a volunteer surf life saving club to our village? We are the life savers who are there watching[…]
Read moreIts happening !! Nippers are back from 28 November
Registration for Shoalhaven Heads SLSC Nippers and parents is open online from Tues 11th November. Just head to the tab “Join us for season 2021/22 and follow the guide to join or renew as a members for this season. All registrations are done via and this must be complete, (including fees payment and proof of DOB ID) accepted by the club before participation in any activities in the Nippers programme. Club membership fees are listed in the payments link in the platform and also can be found in[…]
Read moreGet Excited !! Nippers registration will open soon
Bronze Medallion Course Training starts this weekend
We have a new group of patrol trainees starting the Bronze Medallion course this Sunday . With gradual easing of the COVID restrictions set by NSW Government in our locality, Surf Life Saving Australia has advised clubs that training of can resume. We have a number of of cadets moving up to the greater responsibilties of the Bronze Medallion . They’ll build on the experiences gained since doing the SRC as a younger cadet. We also very pleased to have some new adult members signed up to do the course[…]
Read moreFlags Up this Sunday
Huge thanks to all patrolling members who have volunteered to be on the beach for our club and community again this season and for your help in getting club resources ready during the pre season gear inspection period. If you have any questions about SLSNSW patrol operations for this season please talk to Club Captain, Jaidyn, your Patrol Captains or Club President, Graham. The Club Board of Directors is planning, with Club Captain and JAC , for our Nippers (u6-u14) and younger SRC Cadets U16, to get back on the[…]
Read moreGetting set for the new season
A new committee was elected at the Club AGM and planning is underway for the start of the patrol season. Surf Life Saving patrol services are scheduled to commence across NSW from Saturday 18 September 2021 and at Shoalhaven Heads from Sunday 19 September 2021. The current extension to Covid health restrictions across NSW and other states may result in service variations to these dates for some Greater Sydney and regional localities. Nippers for this season and Bronze Medallion and Surf Rescue Cert training courses for patrol members are being[…]
Read moreClub AGM This Sunday 23 July 2021
Club AGM will be held on Sunday 25 July @ 11am. All members were sent an email notification in early July (please check your spam mailbox) and are encouraged to come along in person . This is the final event of the current 2020/21 season. It will be great to have more cross club participation this year to help plan for next season especially to share some of the minor club admin tasks and planning . We need more hands and ideas this season from across all membership areas from[…]
Read moreIts been a while….
Well it’s definitely been a season with a difference thanks to the El Nina weather . The combination of summer storms,very high tides and swells caused significant erosion of the Southern length of Seven Mile Beach from the river mouth right up to Berry’s Beach . The major issues were in the section between the beach accesses from north and south of Shoalhaven Heads . Sand cliffs up to 4metres high formed as the swell cut into the dunes taking big sections of bush vegetation away with the tidal flow[…]
HELP! We’re still in need of more parent helpers this season so if you’ve been with us a few seasons or have experience from another club and can help with the age groups please email Kim. We also need a new uniform assistant too as Kim can’t continue to wear so many hats! Please speak to her on sunday drop her a line via or IMPORTANT We muster Nippers at 9am on the grass area immediately at the front of the dune to the side of the club[…]
Read moreWelcome to our Bronze and SRC training squad
A stormy, wet day blew in our new recruits for the start of the Bronze Medallion and Surf Rescue Certificate Course. We have 11 Cadets and 5 others signed up across both awards . They’ll be mentored through the online training and practical skills learning by Club Lead Trainer, Karl and senior patrol team members. Course content for the day was an introduction to the Club and Surf Life Saving and modules in signalling and radios followed by a bracing dip in the ocean. Thanks for standing up and raising[…]
Read moreBrrrr…
Nippers got under way today after early showers cleared on a dull and cool Sunday morning. As usual parents were feeling the chill more than the kids, who were having fun on the beach and still wanting to swim, so the Barbie Brekkie fundraiser at the end was a welcome warm up. Nippers runs every week in most weather . An SMS or email will be sent to families if we do need to cancel due to adverse weather, ocean conditions or other safety concerns like bushfire smoke or flood[…]
Read moreWhat a great start to Nippers Rego!- Updated
Thanks to all the returning and new families who came to Bomaderry Aquatic Centre to do the assessment swims and complete online registrations. For those who couldn’t make it there will be a catch up session when the village pool opens. Kim, Junior co-ordinator (JAC) will let you know the date soon. HELP! We’re still in need of more parent helpers this season so if you’ve been with us a few seasons or have experience from another club and can help with the age groups please email Kim. We also[…]
Read moreWe’re on Patrol again
A blast of cold air brought in the new patrol season last weekend with Patrol 1 having the honour of Raising the Flags for season 2020/21. Our IRB trainees completed their course with Jaidyn and Matt gaining their SLS IRB Driver awards Its only one week to the first day of Nippers so make sure you have signed up or renewed memberships at before you head to Bomaderry Aquatic Centre on Sunday 11th October 11-1pm
We have the go ahead for Nippers to start. Kim and the age managers are gearing up for fun on the beach every Sunday. We start with the age swim assessments on Sunday 11th October at Bomaderry Aquatic Centre from 11am-1pm. Please complete your online registration before you come at Check the Join us this Summer tab for guidance. If you have any queries email and Nicky or Kim will get back to you.
Read moreJoin us this Summer
We are working towards the new patrol season with the raising of our red and yellow flags scheduled for Sunday 27 September 2020 . Patrol members have been servicing, checking and replenishing equipment ready for the pre season gear inspection by South Coast Branch of Surf Life Saving on August 30th. Nippers programme is in final planning stages with a provisional start date of 11 October subject to confirmation Returning and new memberships for all members (patrol, Nippers, parent associates and honour-life), can be completed online now via Guide[…]
Read moreAGM 26 July 2020 and Club Officers for 2020/21
With our club COVID ready with reference to Government and SLSA/SLSNSW health guidelines and policy we held the club AGM for 2019/20 on Sunday July 26 with social distancing and sanitising measures in place . Many thanks to everyone who raised their hand to help run the club for the newseason. It was good to see some new additions to the team joining long standing members but sad to have long service life members, Dave and Michael leave us for commitments away from the heads. All of us would value[…]
Read moreEnd of Season 2019/20
The 2019/20 patrol season official end is Anzac Day weekend and usually marked by lowering of our flags on the final patrol.The constraints of the COVID -19 pandemic meant that Surf Life Saving Australia and Surf Life Saving NSW made the decision in mid March to cease all club based patrols by our volunteers. This decision was endorsed by our club committee and the South Coast Branch of Life Saving executive and so our flags were prematurely lowered at that point. Our club committee continues to work on season end management[…]
Read moreSelfies with Santa Dates
Club Christmas Events
As we wind down to the end of the year its time to get relaxing with friends and family with some festive events. *December 7th -Nippers Christmas Wrap – Twilight nippers session 3-5pm followed by family BBQ with Santa *December 20th- Club Hawaiian Christmas Party . Dress in something Pacific-style. Music & Dance.Treats for the kids. Santa arriving at 5.30pm. Bar open 5pm – 9pm. Bring a Plate. *Get a Selfie with Santa Photo … we’re working on this so dates and other info coming soon STC
Read moreNippers Hit Heads Beach this Sunday
We’re looking forward to welcoming new and renewing families to the club. Nippers and parents muster at 9am at the club house hall or adjacent grassy area for an introduction to the season and to meet the Junior Age Management team. Kids will then split into their age-groups and complete the session sign on. All nippers must be signed on and off on the club Nipper attendance lists each Sunday by their parent or named guardian and parent or guardians are expected to remain on the beach or at the[…]
Read moreCurrent Pre Season Flyers for new and returning members
Previous members check your emails
New Season Membership Flyers for Life Saver Bronze and SRC training courses starting Oct 13 and Nippers starting Sept 29 will be sent to all previous season members this weekend so please check your inboxes (also spam mail folders) for a no-reply Surf Life Saving generated message from the club.
Read moreImportant Season Patrol and Nippers Start Dates
Saturday September 28th 2019 Surf Life Saving Patrol Season Starts Sunday September 29th – First Patrol at Shoalhaven Heads SLSC Sunday September 29th- Nippers 11-2pm Sign up day and compulsory water skills assessment at Bomaderry Aquatic Centre Sunday October 13th- Bronze/SRC Training Starts 5 weeks Sunday October 20th 9-11am First Nippers at Shoalhaven Heads beach. Meet in the club hall ready to start @ 9am If you or your children were members last year or in a previous season you can renew online now using your Surf Life Saving[…]
Read moreGetting Ready for the new season
The new club committee for 2019/20 was elected at the club AGM on Sunday July 28 . If you can help them out in any way just let us know as there are many little things each week where extra pair of hands or some idea sharing can make a huge difference. Planning is already underway for the new patrol season which starts end of September. The website will be updated with training and membership information during August. Nippers will start back in mid October. You can use the latest[…]
Read moreSunday Feb 10th @ 9am Surf Club Take 3 for the Sea beach clean up
Nippers on Sunday 10th February will include a Take 3 for the Sea beach clean up. Everyone in the club is encouraged to join in so come along at 9am to collect a few pieces of litter off our beach. Learn a little bit about how we can help to protect our beach, ocean and river from plastics and other waste from Alannah one of our club cadets and a Take 3 Junior Ambassador ____________________________________________________________________________ INFO for Sunday 10th February 2019 It is a normal Nippers session but a beach[…]
Read moreClub Open and Rego Day 8 Sept 9.30-12
Come along and find out what Surf Club all about this summer for all ages from Junior Nippers to volunteer patrols and being part of our great community. Rego on site for Nippers or for Bronze medallion training courses starting on 27 October 2024
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