The new club committee for 2019/20 was elected at the club AGM on Sunday July 28 . If you can help them out in any way just let us know as there are many little things each week where extra pair of hands or some idea sharing can make a huge difference. Planning is already underway for the new patrol season which starts end of September. The website will be updated with training and membership information during August. Nippers will start back in mid October. You can use the latest[…]
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Sunday Feb 10th @ 9am Surf Club Take 3 for the Sea beach clean up
Nippers on Sunday 10th February will include a Take 3 for the Sea beach clean up. Everyone in the club is encouraged to join in so come along at 9am to collect a few pieces of litter off our beach. Learn a little bit about how we can help to protect our beach, ocean and river from plastics and other waste from Alannah one of our club cadets and a Take 3 Junior Ambassador ____________________________________________________________________________ INFO for Sunday 10th February 2019 It is a normal Nippers session but a beach[…]
Read moreSanta on the Sand Photo weekend
We are planning Santa on the Beach Photos November 30 and December 1 $25 per photo (emailed) Friday 5pm-7pm and Saturday 9am-11am. Visit to book your timeslot or contact us on for more information
Read moreRock and Roll Night at Shoalhaven Heads
STOP PRESS ! We are now an Active Kids Voucher Provider
This week we have just become a registered provider for the NSW Government’s Active Kids Programme so check out this link if you wish to use it for your child’s Nipper membership this season ACTIVE KIDS PROGRAMME ONLINE APPLICATION It is very important you let us know you are paying this way so once you have the voucher confirmed by Services NSW please send copy of this to Nicky via If you are using the voucher do not pay any Nipper membership fees via our club or the sls […]
Read moreDon’t forget Nippers Swim Proficiency is on this weekend
All new and returning Nippers need to head to Bomaderry Aquatic Centre on Sunday 21st 12-2pm for the water skills evaluation which all Nippers need to do before participating in water based activities at the beach. Meet our our Junior Activities Team there and allow at least 20 mins for check off admin and time in the water. if you have any queries not covered in the Nippers and Nipper Swim Proficiency tabs on the topic bar of this page please contact Rod our Junior coordinator via . We[…]
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Our latest recruits
Patrol season has started
Lifeguard Training Courses for Bronze Medallion and Surf Rescue Certificate Start 23 Sept 2018-Still time to join
Training for Bronze (15+) and Surf Rescue Cert (13+) starts on Sunday 11am-1pm . Bring swimmers and wetsuit Overview document Induction
Read moreWelcome
Welcome to everyone who came to our rego day and signed up for Lifeguard training courses or for Nippers. It was good to see so many new faces keen to give Surf life saving a go .The beach crew of Matt, Graham, Angus and Jaidyn were all set up for a great run which a few ran but the cold blast of air must have put the rest of you off coming down to join in. We will plan to run another Beach Challenge once patrols and Nipper Sundays are[…]
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