We’re still in need of more parent helpers this season so if you’ve been with us a few seasons or have experience from another club and can help with the age groups please email Kim. We also need a new uniform assistant too as Kim can’t continue to wear so many hats! Please speak to her on sunday drop her a line via info@headssurf.com.au or
We muster Nippers at 9am on the grass area immediately at the front of the dune to the side of the club hall . JAC team leader, Kim will do a briefing and notices to start the day .All kids must be signed in and out on the Age Group Lists at the start and finish of each session. If you are new and your child is not on the list see Nicky Club Registrar to enrol or update membership
Parents or nominated guardians are must stay on the beach in the Nipper and patrol activity areas in front of the club for the duration of Nippers as Surf Life Saving does not do a “drop and leave” policy like other kid’s sports. This and age group sign in/out are a member requirement for SLSA insurances .
COVID Due to SLSNSW and Club COVID policies we are doing a COME on TIME, DO NIPPERS and LEAVE QUICKLY approach to all club activities this season . Members are asked only to enter the club building for specific tasks: see registrar, use toilets or attend patrol training . Anyone attending must use the Q code to sign in and out and hand sanitise at the entry. Amenities are restricted to use of toilets only and Nippers are to use the beach shower not the internal club ones.
ID CHECK Some families still need to see registrar re these- email reminders have been sent out every week
Please come early if you need to buy Nippers or patrol kit . We prefer prepay using the direct quick link below and entering all the required information. You will need to show the digi-receipt at the club.
As a club we’re working on some special events as we lead up to Christmas – Selfies with Santa Nippers Fundraiser , a Mural Design Project and for 2021 Take 3 for the Sea projects. We will need lots of extra help from parents so if you can be in Santa’s group of helpers , are creative or passionate about eco-ocean care please contact Nicky 0432331915/email registrar@headssurf.com.au